Does Vaping Make You Tired?

Does Vaping Make You Tired?

June 28, 2023

People report all sorts of side effects from vaping. Common emotional and mood-related by-products of vaping include relaxation on the positive end and anxiety on the negative end. It's all about which products you use, how you use them, and when you use them.

But a not insignificant number of people report an odd side-effect after vaping: exhaustion.

If you've ever felt tired, fatigued, or outright exhausted after vaping, read on to discover the potential reasons why.

Can Vaping Make You Tired?

There's no reason why vaping in and of itself would make you tired. 

Your typical vape device won’t contain any chemicals or ingredients that would induce weariness or fatigue. If that were the case, these products would need to be labelled with a warning stating as much, like an over-the-counter medication like Benadryl is. 

In fact, if you're using your vape device with an e-liquid that contains nicotine, you should be getting a boost of energy, not a reduction of it. Since nicotine is technically a stimulant, its caffeine-like impact on the body means you likely will get a jolt of energy if you vape with nicotine e-liquids. 

If you go too long without nicotine, then withdrawal effects may start to impact you. Nicotine withdrawal may cause you to lack focus, feel worn out, or be depressed, all of which can make you feel tired.

Overall, using a vape device to vaporise nicotine-infused e-liquid won't directly make you tired. But it can indirectly contribute to a feeling of sleepiness. There are a number of reasons why that's the case.

Does Vaping Affect Energy Levels?

Yes, vaping can indirectly affect energy levels, and these are some reasons why:

Nicotine Dependency

The first reason you might be experiencing a feeling of sleepiness after using your vape device is the nicotine in your vape juice. 

Nicotine won't make you tired on its own. However, it can impact your sleep. Insomnia, sleep fragmentation, and more have been observed while people consume nicotine. In addition, studies indicated nicotine-induced REM sleep suppression. 

Building up a nicotine dependency can cause sleeplessness, chronic anxiety, and withdrawals that can make you feel tired.

Studies have shown that after the first few days of quitting traditional cigarettes, people often experience sleeplessness, anxiety, and other conditions that keep them up at night. The next day, if you choose to use your vape device to alleviate those feelings, yes, you'll feel tired. 

But you won't be tired because the vape is putting you to sleep, but because it's keeping you up. 

Inhaling Incorrectly

Research into chronic lung diseases like COPD shows that there’s a strong link between a lack of oxygen intake and feelings of sleepiness. Using your vape incorrectly can lead to the same kind of oxygen-deprived exhaustion.

If you're feeling tired after you vape, start monitoring how you inhale. You may be taking too deep of draws and holding them in too long. You could feel sleepy if you’re not getting enough oxygen between inhales.

Mistaking Relaxation for Sleepiness

Habitually using a vape device creates an association of comfort with it. When you use it after this association has been established, you may feel a burst of relaxation or even euphoria that’s easy to mistake for tiredness. 

How to Avoid Feeling Fatigued Whilst Vaping

The first thing you can try to fight the feeling of fatigue that comes after vaping is to stop using your vape device for a while. Clear your system for a week, put the habit on ice, and see how you respond.

Do you crave it? Could you care less? What exactly do you miss about it? 

You may notice your sleep schedule shift back to something more natural and less erratic. 

Take note of how you change after you give up your vape device for a while, and you may find the key to the sleepy feeling you get after vaping.

Another thing you can do is try an e-liquid that contains no nicotine. It may not be the vape itself, but the nicotine in the e-liquid makes you tired. Try your vape device without nicotine and see how your energy levels fare.

Other Side Effects Associated With Vaping Too Much Nicotine

Nicotine is a powerful compound that acts as a stimulant in small doses. In larger doses or through repeated use, it can cause other side effects. Common side effects include:

  • Quickened or irregular heartbeat
  • Headache
  • Fever, chills
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • Trouble breathing
  • Tightness in chest
  • Runny nose
  • Skin rash, itching, hives

It's easy to regulate the nicotine you consume through your vape device. You can swap your e-liquid out for an e-liquid that doesn't contain nicotine or cut your nicotine-infused e-liquid with one that doesn't have any.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does Vaping Make Me So Tired?

Vaping can make you tired for three main reasons: you’re not getting enough oxygen while using it, the nicotine is messing with your sleep cycle, or you're confusing relaxation for exhaustion. 

Final Thoughts

If you're getting sleepy while vaping, it's time to try out different e-liquids and different vaping device styles. Shop the entire inventory at RELX to find a great new vape device that suits your needs. Try the RELX Bar or the RELX Pod Pro, and see how they impact your energy levels.

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