vaping after tooth removal

How Long Until I Can Vape After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Written by: John Seo



Time to read 5 min

The removal of your wisdom teeth is something you will undergo at least once in your life. A person has a total of four wisdom teeth, but depending on the situation, you might need to have all those four removed or just some. 


Dentists recommend that wisdom teeth be removed ideally from 15 to 22 years old, but then again, it depends on the scenario, so the procedure may be done beyond 22 years of age. Nevertheless, this age is also when you may find yourself vaping.


Can you vape after wisdom tooth removal? This important question and more will be answered in this RELX guide. It’s very crucial for patients to adhere to post-operative care instructions to guarantee proper healing and prevent complications, such as the dry socket. Let’ start the discussion.

Why Vaping After Tooth Extraction Isn't Recommended

 Vaping soon after removing your wisdom teeth isn't recommended because it increases the risk of complications. Surface application of heat (in this case, in the form of hot vapour from your vape device) causes your blood vessels to expand, bringing more blood and oxygen to the extraction site. This heat application can prevent the body from achieving homeostasis and clotting appropriately, causing increased bleeding, swelling, and irritation, which can delay proper recovery.


In addition, the sucking sensation required to use an e-cigarette or vape device soon after wisdom tooth extraction can cause dry sockets, which can be very painful and prolonged and may require further medical attention, including additional anesthetisation or regular dressing changes until the socket heals and pain decreases.

How Can Vaping Cause a Dry Socket?

 A dry socket is a painful oral condition when a blood clot fails to form in the empty socket where your tooth used to be. It may fail to develop in the first place, be knocked out of place due to behaviour, or dissolve before the wound has completed healing. If a dry socket occurs, it usually begins to form one to three days after the extraction procedure.


We know that smoking directly after wisdom tooth extraction can cause a dry socket, so it's recommended to wait until your mouth has healed before resuming. While there haven't been any studies explicitly studying the impact of vaping after wisdom tooth removal, it's understood that any kind of smoke can cause oral health effects that likely resemble cigarettes. Thus, avoiding vapes before your oral surgeon gives you the go-ahead following your wisdom tooth removal would be best.


Vaping may cause dry sockets due to the inhalation or sucking behaviour required to take a draw from the vape. This sensation can also create suction in the mouth, potentially pulling out the blood clot from the open tooth socket following removal. Without the clot in place, the nerves and bone beneath the socket are vulnerable to a dry socket and infection, becoming extremely painful.

How Long to Wait to Vape After Wisdom Teeth Removal

can you vape after wisdom tooth removal

Most dentists and oral surgeons will recommend waiting at least three days after wisdom teeth removal before you begin vaping again. This time gives the open wound time to develop a blood clot without becoming dislodged prematurely, which can lead to dry sockets, severe pain, and infection. However, the longer you can wait, the more time you will give your wound to heal, giving you the best chance at full recovery with no issues.


You can always ask your dentist or oral surgeon how long you should wait after surgery before vaping again. Don't worry about your dentist knowing that you vape – they'll give you the proper recommendations to stay safe and look out for your oral health. So, can you vape after wisdom teeth removal? Definitely, but you may have to take a break.

Understanding the Healing Process

You might need to keep the following information in mind if you have undergone into wisdom tooth extraction and you are also a vape user. Here’s the healing timeline:

Day 1: Right After Tooth Extraction

A day after the procedure, it’s all about a bit of pain and discomfort, just like a day after your first time in the gym. The dentist will provide you with a gauze pad to bite on for half an hour. This stops the bleeding. If there is swelling, you can place an ice pack over your cheek where you’re feeling the discomfort for 15 minutes. It’s also perfectly alright to take pain relievers.

Day 2 to 3: Recovery Period

 The recovery period starts on the second to third day. See? It’s not as long as you thought, unlike other surgical procedures. But, continue placing an ice pack or taking pain relievers. The second and third days from the extraction are crucial, so you should not vape unless you’d want to experience a dry socket.

Day 4 to 7: Further Recovery but Normal Routine Resumes

 You can get back to your usual life activities by the fourth day. You can brush your teeth as usual without feeling any significant pain. But, if you feel pain, you’ll have to speak with your dentist again. 

Day 7 to Week 2: Total Recovery

 From the seventh day to the second week, the pain has healed and you’ll have already recovered completely. However, the dentist may still check up on you during this period.


Signs that the area extracted is already healed include no longer feeling any pain, no more swelling, a pinkish tissue developing over the area, and your body temperature returning to normal. 

Potential Complications from Vaping Too Soon

vape after wisdom tooth removal

 Vaping is, more often than not, hard to resist and take a break from. So, many patients who have undergone wisdom tooth extraction might not resist the urge to reach out to their vape. But they shouldn’t as there are possible complications:


Infection: You won’t want to vape soon after the tooth surgery as there will be open areas on your gums that may attract bacteria, causing the infection.  


Increased pain: Inhaling vape after wisdom tooth removal disrupts the natural clotting process your gum area will go through. This creates a dry socket, which causes unbearable pain. 


Delayed healing: Using your vape sooner after wisdom tooth extraction slows down healing, specifically since vaping can inhibit what’s very necessary for healing: good blood flow. 

Worry not, since you’ll be able to vape again after at least two weeks from the wisdom tooth extraction. Always listen to your doctor’s advice. 

Tips for Managing Nicotine Cravings During Recovery

But, what if you feel the urge to get your nicotine fix while still during the recovery process following your wisdom tooth extraction? Your best bet is to speak with your dentist or therapist. They’re the best people who can give the most suitable advice and recommendations on what you must do. 

These health professionals may recommend alternatives to vapes, such as gums or patches, that can satisfy you with your nicotine cravings without interfering with your healing process. 

When to Consult Your Oral Surgeon

Nowadays, you can find a lot of readings, information, and guides over the Internet, providing tips on how to cope after wisdom tooth extraction, including tips for vape users. If you feel that those guidelines are not applying to your condition, it’s time to talk to your oral surgeon. 


Aside from that, you must also consult with your doctor if you experience any of these signs:

  • Constant pain
  • Redness and swelling
  • Unusual taste or odour
  • Persistent bleeding 

Patience Is Key

If you have undergone wisdom tooth extraction and are also a vape user, your patience here will be put to the test. For what is temporarily giving up using your vape after wisdom tooth removal if it means saving you from the high costs of further medical and dental procedures if things go bad? Your dentist is the best person to consult with for post-operative care instruction on your way to proper recovery.

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