How To Make a Disposable Vape Last Longer

How To Make a Disposable Vape Last Longer

November 23, 2023

Disposable vapes are hugely convenient in many ways: they are small, they come in many different flavours, they're reasonably priced, and they require no maintenance whatsoever. 

The downside? They don’t last forever.

While their short-term nature is part of their charm, it can also be inconvenient when you're down to your last one.

Lucky for you, you can do a few things to make your vape device last just that little bit longer. 

Read on to find out some tricks of the trade! 

Know That Puff Count Is an Estimate

Ideally, you should consider this before buying the vape device, but the puff count on the packaging is only an estimate and should be taken as such. The methods used to determine the puff count are very scientific and don't generally represent a real-life functional use of the device. That's because they’ll likely use a machine that puffs consistently each time, whereas humans do anything but.

The best way to look at the puff count is as a general guideline, so you know roughly how long it will last. Understanding this will help you more accurately prepare for when your device will need replacing.

How does that help you to extend the life of your final vape device, though? 

Knowing roughly how many puffs you get from your device will mean you can monitor your usage and adjust accordingly if you're nearing the end. As it turns out, we're pretty good at estimating how much we vape, so you should be fine.

Take Shorter Puffs

How long you puff on a vape device is one of those areas that sets vapes apart from cigarettes. That's because when you smoke a traditional cigarette, the longer you inhale, the harsher and stronger it feels in the back of your throat (due to the chemicals you inhale). 

Alternatively, you don't get that with vaping; the longer you inhale, the bigger the cloud will be (which is sometimes the goal), and in some cases, it's enjoyable the entire time you're inhaling.

So, why should you take smaller puffs, then? 

Inhaling for a longer time will dramatically decrease your device's lifespan. That’s due to how much of the e-liquid evaporates during the inhale. 

Each device has only a limited amount of e-liquid, and one long inhale can be equivalent to several smaller ones.

Sticking to smaller puffs will make you much more likely to reach the advertised number.

Avoid Overheating Your Device and Minimize Chain Vaping

Not only is vaping less harmful than traditional cigarettes, they also come in a wide range of delicious flavours of e-liquids. Considering this, it’s not surprising that you’d be tempted to chain vape.

Well, some of the damage chain vaping can do isn't just to you but to your device. You might be surprised to learn that chain vaping can cause your device to overheat, and you definitely want to avoid doing that.

Overheating your vape can lead to the e-liquid evaporating faster, the battery draining quicker, and the flavour you get on the inhale being unpleasant. Leave at least a few seconds between each puff to allow your device to cool sufficiently. That way, you'll have a better chance of it lasting as long as advertised.

Opt For More Neutral Flavours

This one might take a little adjusting, but have you tried going for flavours that are more neutral and less sweet? Listen, we understand that the sugary taste of vapes is one of their biggest draws, but the fact is that for those of us with a sweet tooth, it can make us vape way more than we otherwise would, especially when comparing it to how much you'd smoke if it were a traditional cigarette.

Try opting for a less-sweet flavour (or maybe even branch out to a savoury option). If this results in you vaping less, it will help to extend the life of your vape device.

Keep Your Device at Room Temperature

Did you know that temperature can affect how long a battery lasts? And that goes for all batteries, including your phone. So, with that in mind, it makes sense that you’d want to keep your vape device out of the cold to get the most out of its lifespan.

Of course, you don’t want to let it get too hot either — as mentioned earlier, overheating can also be a problem. Basically, room temperature is your friend.

The science behind it is all about the chemical reactions that take place in every battery, which allow it to work. The colder it is, the slower those chemical reactions take place. In some instances, they’ll stop altogether.

Consider Vaping Less

If you know how long your device should last and you're nearing the end but don't have a replacement yet, consider vaping less. It's the only guaranteed method of elongating your vape's life.

You don't have to go all day without a puff, but just taking fewer puffs throughout the day will go a long way to keeping your device going for longer.

Tips to Make Your Coils Last Longer

Maintaining the quality of your coils is essential for enjoying full-flavoured, smooth hits. Follow these four tips to extend your coils' lifespan:

  • Prime Your Coils Properly - Before using a new coil, drip some e-liquid onto it beforehand. This step ensures the cotton wick is pre-saturated for the ideal vaping experience.
  • Take shorter, lighter puffs to minimise coil stress from excessive heat to extend the lifespan of the coil.
  • Clean your vape device thoroughly when changing e-liquid flavours to prevent undesirable mixing.
  • Regularly replace coils to prevent them from getting worn out by constant use, ensuring your device runs smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Disposable Vapes Run Out So Fast?

There are several reasons why a disposable vape device might run out faster than expected. The most likely causes are that the number of estimated puffs advertised was a slight exaggeration, you're taking unnecessarily long puffs, or the device is overheated or too cold — the temperature can play a huge role. Consider vaping less often and taking shorter puffs to extend your device’s lifespan.

Final Thoughts

If you use disposable vapes, you'll know the inconvenience that comes with realising you're down to your last one. To help stretch out the lifespan of your vape just a little bit longer, consider taking shorter puffs and vaping less frequently until you’re able to get a replacement. In addition, make sure you're keeping the device at room temperature and consider opting for less sweet e-liquid options to get your device to last as long as possible.

When the time comes to replace your vape device, check out our disposable collection at RELX for your perfect fit! We also offer packs of multiple vapes so you can stock up and be prepared the next time your vape approaches the end of its lifespan.

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